Department: Photography
Sweet Spot: Transforming ideas and concepts into the most alluring visual language.
For over 20 years, Paula has been a successful professional in the world of the visual arts. Her expertise covers the creation, production, and editing of curated and creative images for art exhibits, advertising, and social media.
As a photographer, Paula has been internationally published in fashion and lifestyle magazines.
As a curator and educator, Paula has created, curated, and developed cultural projects and exhibits for large multinational and international companies such as Nestlé, EMS, and CCR.
“To me, photography is an educational tool. It provides us with a chance to see with our eyes, elaborate with our brains, and feel with our hearts. A single photo can teach us to understand who we are (our inner world), what it means to us (our outer world) and how we can gather all of these elements into one place.”
- Paula Blandy